I brought my first stray dog home at the age of 9 years old, and so
it began, climbing over fences to sit with the dogs in the city
council pound, picking up injured birds, taking newts home from
the science lab at school and so on. I absolutely love nature and all
living creatures. I’ve always felt very close to all in it and all its
beauty...especially dogs!
At 17 years old, I volunteered to go to Romania to work with the
orphaned children that had really touched my heart. As I was so
young at the time, I was below the volunteers age for that
particular charity and I could not go. I remember being very
disappointed. Ever since then I’ve had an emotional interest in
Romania and the way of life, the hardship many of the people and
animals have to endure on a daily basis. Years later I studied to be
an attachment leader within school - part of the uni course was to
look at the effect the orphanages were having on the children. At
this point, I was already volunteering as a fosterer for dogs in the
UK and Ireland, as well as working full time, studying, being a
single mum to my 4 children and caring for my own dogs.
I decided to look into the plight of the street dog once again, I was
shocked at the vast number of dogs on the streets, in public
shelters and kill shelters, it had got worse not better. I made a few
enquiries to people I knew in rescue and decided to foster
Romanian dogs too. I initially did this through a UK based charity. I
adopted my first Romanian street dog in Feb 2016, she’s my
soulmate and often my teacher too (I now have 5 Romanian dogs
of my own plus two UK rescue dogs).
I became very frustrated with the lack of aftercare with the charity
and found myself giving back up to dogs that people had adopted
through them. After a couple of years taking dogs from Romania
and re-homing through word of mouth I decided to set up
Love4dogs. I visited Romania on a few occasions and saw first-
hand what incredible work the rescuers were doing out there. We
have a great working relationship and trust each other.
Over the next few years I worked with a few friends and had a
couple of foster people help me out occasionally but mainly ran it
on my own until February 2020 when I was joined by a lovely
rescuer. We have built Love4dogs up and have a wonderful,
compassionate and fun admin team with a brilliant foster team in
place too.
We are hoping to continue to support our lovely rescue friends in
Romania and save as many dogs as possible and build Love4dogs
to enable us to continue the support we offer and expand into
greater things.
Sharon x